A Tide Within the Affairs

In April 2019, Emma Valeria Girandola choreographed and premiered A Tide Within the Affairs at the Conwell Dance Theatre at Temple University as her first solo work. A Tide Within the Affairs then went on to be performed at KYLD’s 2020 Inhale Festival in Philadelphia, PA. Then in April 2020, Nia and Ness Co. invited Valerius Productions to perform A Tide Within the Affairs in their Staying Connected: Virtual Festival. While this was a first for us, we hope that it is not the last.

Acting as an extension of Emma’s work [ey-vis], A Tide within the Affairs is a depiction of Icarus’s death through the female perspective.  Icarus, the son of Daedalus, strives to escape his current demise through the means of flight on wings built by his father.  Ignoring his father’s warning to fly neither too low to the sea nor too high to the sun, Icarus’s wings melt in the heat of the sun and he drowns in the sea below him.  In comparison, A Tide Within the Affairs looks to explore the vulnerability of desire, exploration, and ultimate failure experienced by an individual (in this case Avis) at the climax of his/her desperation. 


Emma Valeria Girandola

(Pictured from left to right): Sydney Donavon and Emma Valeria Girandola
Performance Artists

(From left to right): Mike Hurwitz and Brian Mengini